Community Calendar
DC Media Makers meet at NPR March 25th 2009 Image by ShashiBellamkonda Producer Steve Fisher and Writer/Director Michael Dougherty, of Browncoats Redemption (a great fan movie being produced as a charity fundraiser). -Learn the ins/outs of production and what Steve’s… Continue reading
Become a member of our community!
Become a member of our community! Visit for all your favorite circulars & coupons! The Doings welcomes items for the Community Calendar. Items must be received a minimum of 10 days prior to publication. E-mail items to: Read… Continue reading
Portsmouth area community calendar
Hilary Meets Her Little Fan Image by Sister72 Hilary Duff making the movie Greta in Ocean Grove, NJ. This little girl had a "Hilary Rocks" sign and Hilary walked over to thank her. Class act all the way.
Portsmouth area… Continue reading
Community Calendar
Community Calendar Franklin Park Herald-Journal with news of Northlake welcomes items for the Community Calendar as well as items for Business Briefs, Campus News, Community Briefs, School Digest and Newsmakers. Items must be received a minimum of 14 days prior… Continue reading
Community Calendar
Community Calendar Deadline for items for the Community Calendar is Wednesday noon two weeks before desired publication date. Send information on fund-raisers, clubs, lectures, community events, reunions and support groups to Community Calendar, Pioneer Press, 3701 W. Lake, Glenview IL… Continue reading