HandsOn Network to Engage 100,000 Volunteers in 1,500 Service Projects and Hundreds of Community Cinemas and Sunday …
Engaged! Image by m!les To anyone else this January 20st may have seemed ordinary. To us it was everything but.
Okay. That was stupid but I get points for writing this on a cellphone.
Anyway we’re engaged! We had a… Continue reading
Become a member of our community!
“my” new stuff Image by aka_lusi The first wave of books to be read, and movies watched.
Become a member of our community! Visit zip2save.com for all your favorite circulars & coupons! The Doings welcomes items for the Community Calendar.… Continue reading
Community band makes music in new venue
Community band makes music in new venue The shiny new theater and band room at Kimball High School have become the home of a group of enthusiastic local musicians, from students to retirees. Read more on Tracy Press
Art Intel,… Continue reading
Community Calendar
Community Calendar Based upon space availability, The Review prints calendar announcements and items for columns, including campus news, newsmakers and others for local organizations and individuals. The deadline is 14 days before the desired publication date, however there is no… Continue reading
Community Calendar
Community Calendar Deadline for items for the Community Calendar is Wednesday at noon two weeks before desired publication date. Send information on fund-raisers, clubs, lectures, community events, reunions and support groups to Community Calendar, Pioneer Press, 3701 W. Lake Ave.,… Continue reading