How should go by writing a movie script and selling it to a big company?
Question by 2008: How should go by writing a movie script and selling it to a big company?
Best answer:
Answer by metalgear332001Begin by writing your idea down on paper. Or if you want to learn how to… Continue reading
How do I sell a script to an anime or film company?
Question by Darrell: How do I sell a script to an anime or film company?
Best answer:
Answer by KMost anime’s start out as a manga story and it’s really Japan who does that sort of business. America… Continue reading
Whats the best way to sell a script to a film company?
Question by nekaqueen800: Whats the best way to sell a script to a film company? I have a script that was really good(or so i think). I want to sell it but i dont know how, where… Continue reading
How do I sell a movie script to movie company?
Question by locutus94: How do I sell a movie script to movie company? I have a movie idea and need help getting it out there. Also I may have legal problems with the Nintendo Company. Please help. (Zelda Movie)… Continue reading
How Can Someone Get Connected To a Movie Making Company or a Movie Diractor?
Question by Son Of Zion: How Can Someone Get Connected To a Movie Making Company or a Movie Diractor? How Can Someone Get Connected To a Movie Making Company or a Movie Diractor ? if With… Continue reading