
Photoshop World: Convert Flat Images to 3D and Create …

Corey Baker of Layers TV and joins Bert Monroy as a guest host this week from Photoshop World. Learn how to convert flat images to 3D and create fire! Video Rating: 4 / 5

How can I convert this digital video cassette to either VHS or DVD?

Question by Lalala: How can I convert this digital video cassette to either VHS or DVD? I have a Panasonic 3CCD mini dv camcorder and I need to make a movie for my history class. The problem is, i… Continue reading

Software to Convert MPEG4 to WMV?

by markkilner

Question by Enoch: Software to Convert MPEG4 to WMV? Is there freeware out there that can convery MP4 to something that Windows Movie Maker will understand. Alternatively is there good freeware that I can use to make… Continue reading

Q&A: what do i need to get so i can convert avi,mpg etc onto a psp?

Question by danilhastings: what do i need to get so i can convert avi,mpg etc onto a psp? i got this thing there and it was freeware but to use it i needed other things to make it work… Continue reading

In sims 2 how do you convert a communtity lot into a residential lot?

Question by Megan: In sims 2 how do you convert a communtity lot into a residential lot? I just started making sims 2 movies and i got a hospital and wanted to convert it to a residential lot so… Continue reading

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