How would you download a movie to your computer & then make a copy of it?
Question by Patricia G: How would you download a movie to your computer & then make a copy of it? I have the Twlight movie from my daughter & would like to make a copy for myself.
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Software to copy DVD movies to a blank DVD?
Question by Thomas M: Software to copy DVD movies to a blank DVD? Is there any freeware out there to make a copy of a movie that is on DVD to another DVD? Also has to be compatible with… Continue reading
Can you copy a movie project to another video editing software?
Question by Kisa: Can you copy a movie project to another video editing software? Hello… I would like to ask if there’s any way that you can copy your edited clips in windows movie maker to another video editing software? I have been having some problems with this WMM thingy (to think it’s my first time editing videos… then this happens T_T how unlucky)… And I am solving this one for almost a week… Well… It’s because I can’t save my movie project, it keeps saying that the file might have been moved or there’s not enough space (My hard disk free space is VERY VERY large, because I don’t put big files in my desktop…) the same with saving in a cd.. T_T I even changed the virtual memory, because I read in some websites that the memory has a big role in saving movie project… I even tried cutting it to small parts, and I can’t even save the other parts even though it’s just 1 clip! >.< it's very irritating so I decided to look for another video editing software... But, I don't want my efforts to go to waste regarding the project that I've made... I am so satisfied with it that I don't know if I can make the same project again in another software... So I'm just wondering if at least copying it is possible... Oh and can you recommend a video editing software too? well... it would be nice if it's a freeware ^_^ I hope someone can help me... Thank you very much! 🙂 Best answer:
Answer by JobeWell, I better give you the bad news first. Each video editing program has its own way… Continue reading
How do I make a copy of a DVD?
Question by Fahad: How do I make a copy of a DVD? I have a movie on DVD I have a DVD/CD burner I just have no idea of how to make a copy of it. I have check… Continue reading
How can i copy sony dvd cam movies.?
Question by arshad m: How can i copy sony dvd cam movies.? I could not make a cd for my sony dvd cam movies through pc. software cd is missing,with cam corder.
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Answer by Little DogIf… Continue reading