
is it illegal to use copyright music in a independent film if you don’t intend on distributing the movie?

Question by raquaelh: is it illegal to use copyright music in a independent film if you don’t intend on distributing the movie? i know it sounds weird, but if i wanted to make a movie for a small college… Continue reading

Best place to copyright scripts and stories?

by stillthedudeabides

Question by marty m: Best place to copyright scripts and stories? Hi there,

Where is the Best place to copyright scripts and stories. Im in the UK, so anywhere there or any international company that covers the… Continue reading

Q&A: Best place to copyright scripts and stories?

Question by marty m: Best place to copyright scripts and stories? Hi there,

Where is the Best place to copyright scripts and stories. Im in the UK, so anywhere there or any international company that covers the world…

Thanks… Continue reading

Copyright void, please help?

by wallyg

Question by Jason: Copyright void, please help? I have a disk that teaches how to make mario based flash games. Now I completely rebuilt the game from charaters, bad guys, and display. pretty much the whole thing.… Continue reading

Q&A: When making a game out of a movie or book, is it still copyright infringement if you offer the game for free?

by Kayzig

Question by Donnie: When making a game out of a movie or book, is it still copyright infringement if you offer the game for free?

Best answer:

Answer by EarlI don’t think it is considered copyright… Continue reading

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