☆✖☠♥ HoW To CreaTe YouR OwN CusToM ConTenT TuToRiaL (with ‘PAINT’) SiMs 2 ♥☠✖☆
I wasn’t planning on making this. Buuuuutt people kept asking me if I could, so I did. ε(ಥ_ಥ)з This tutorial is intended for those who are completely clueless on how to make custom content … So if your some like… Continue reading
How to create & install custom ringtones for Apple iPhone
Complete step by step guide to creating iPhone ringtones from any audio file in your iTunes libary. The UK iPhone is here, but ringtones are still not avaliblle in the UK iTunes store! And anyway, why should we have to… Continue reading
Self made/ custom nokia 5800 ad
my first try at making a fictious advertisement/ commercial for nokia 5800 xpress music phone. Made entirely in After Effects. After Effects nokia 5800 xpress music ad advertisement commercial self made animation 3d 3d ad ad film advertisement 3ds max… Continue reading
How can I make the sims 2 work with custom content?
Question by Kelsey: How can I make the sims 2 work with custom content? I have a lot of custom content and I know my game works without it but with it it just crashes. I really… Continue reading
☆☆How to make a custom rom! ☆☆
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ READ THIS FIRST☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Hi guys i’ve being making custom roms on xda… I’ve got all the skills needed to make one so i decided to share some! I’ll be showing you how to… Continue reading