Making a Figure 4 Deadfall Trap – (Nuisance Squirrel = Dead Squirrel)
This is me showing how to make a figure four deadfall trap…This is a great survival trap that can be easily constructed ( with practice ) out of very basic materials that in most environments can be easily found…The trap… Continue reading
The BlackBerry is dead! Or is it?
The BlackBerry is dead! Or is it? Is BlackBerry maker Research in Motion on the verge of becoming obsolete, or is it the next big thing in tech? Investors can’t seem to make up their minds. Read more on CNN… Continue reading
Steve Jobs wants you dead. And he could make it happen. Original news story
Walking Dead Watch: Back from the Undead
Walking Dead Watch: Back from the Undead Spoilers for last night’s The Walking Dead coming up: After a second episode that seemed to be set up partly to showcase what The Walking Dead can deliver in terms of zombie carnage… Continue reading
Supervillains Gather, Dare To Ask The Question: Is James Bond Dead?
Supervillains Gather, Dare To Ask The Question: Is James Bond Dead? At a recent meeting of supervillains, the possible demise of James Bond at the hands of Hollywood financing problems was front and center. Read more on NPR
New musical… Continue reading