Oneness &Trinity Doctrinal Debate 08, Audio 600%
Oneness and Trinity, Volume Increased 600% Video Rating: 0 / 5
ABC News’ Pennsylvania Senate Debate – Transcript Part II
ABC News’ Pennsylvania Senate Debate – Transcript Part II Here is part two of the transcript for ABC News’ Pennsylvania Senate debate on October 20, 2010: JIM GARDNER: Times up. JOE SESTAK: –shouldn’t be given to small businesses. GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS:… Continue reading
Pennsylvania Senate debate: Pat Toomey vs. Joe Sestak
Pennsylvania Senate debate: Pat Toomey vs. Joe Sestak Full transcript. ABC News stages another U.S. Senate debate, this one in the Keystone state. Read more on Los Angeles Times
Apple’s Lion: A marriage of iOS and OS X Apple’s Back… Continue reading
Oneness &Trinity Doctrinal Debate 02, Audio 600%
Oneness and Trinity, Volume Increased 600% Video Rating: 0 / 5
Video/slide show of a Rodney Crowell song. This is my second attempt.
Critical illness cover script debate
AXA say no to scripts for selling critical illness cover.