
Pedigree Dogs ad shot 1000 FPS using the Phantom camera

It’s dogs in slow-mo catching treats. What could be better. From TBWA Toronto. Follow me on Twitter, I share neat things. Music is by Andrew Harris, a Vancouver-based sound designer and composer. Check out more of his awesome sounds here:

Dave Ungrady: Bedbug Sleuths: Why Dogs Best Detect the Pests

Dave Ungrady: Bedbug Sleuths: Why Dogs Best Detect the Pests Dogs have been trained to detect lots of different things, from melanoma cancer to bombs and drugs. Read more on The Huffington Post

Still Life of Animated Dogs – Czech animator Paul FierlingerÕs playful and personal ode to the power of manÕs best friend.

my dogs dying of bone cancer, its getting expensive, what can i do?

by Tedi [teodora doychinova]

Question by Petrek S: my dogs dying of bone cancer, its getting expensive, what can i do? my dog was recently diagnosed with bone cancer(sniffle)…he was prescribed rimadyl (an anti-inflamatory)…hes been hangn’ in there for… Continue reading

Q&A: Weirdest illness your dogs have had or you’ve heard of?

Question by Inga: Weirdest illness your dogs have had or you’ve heard of? Ok This one is on behalf of my 14-year-old cousin. She is doing an assignment for her drama class and writing a 30 minute script to… Continue reading

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