
Q&A: What is the best cheapest or downloadable video editing software for windows xp?

Question by April x: What is the best cheapest or downloadable video editing software for windows xp? I make alot of you videos and atm i use windows movie maker 9, but i want something a bit better, that… Continue reading

whats the best downloadable movie making program?

by Ken Lund

Question by Satana: whats the best downloadable movie making program? im trying to make a movie that will take clips out of a movie and put those clips altogether and create a whole new vid plus… Continue reading

Im setting up a website for a buisness that will sell downloadable software. What do i need to buy?

by Vermin Inc

Question by shadow: Im setting up a website for a buisness that will sell downloadable software. What do i need to buy? For example. I need a domain name. But do i need a server of… Continue reading

Q&A: If i have a Windows XP Computer and don’t have admin privileges, are there any downloadable movie making……?

Question by Matt: If i have a Windows XP Computer and don’t have admin privileges, are there any downloadable movie making……? If i have a Windows XP Computer and don’t have admin privelages, are there any movie making softwares… Continue reading

I need free download-able movie making software similar to Sony Vegas but compatible with Windows 7?

by dougbelshaw

Question by 🙂: I need free download-able movie making software similar to Sony Vegas but compatible with Windows 7? free download movie making software compatible with windows 7

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