[HD] Website Drop Shadow with CSS Dreamweaver Tutorial!
Let’s learn how to create a drop shadow that runs along your site, and, if your site expands, expands with it! We will start in Photoshop where we will create a nice little drop shadow graphic and then it’s off… Continue reading
How 2 make a BASIC Bass Drop w Ableton Live 8
a simple BASIC explanation on how to make your basses drop..and i suppose any of ur synths as well.hope this was helpful.blessingz!! also go buy or try ableton and unleash your creativity www.ableton.com
Hackintosh Tutorial: OS X Lion Installation /… Continue reading
Awesome Drop Wireless Android File Transfer Displayed On HTC Sprint Evo 4G
i would like to start off by saying thanks to dashwire labs for making this application and it is a freeware that can be found on Android Market. This is still in early beta stages and just released the day… Continue reading