
Q&A: Please answer if you know anytihng about animation or special movie effect?

by Chris Devers

Question by Smith: Please answer if you know anytihng about animation or special movie effect? I made the movie of me doing a kamehameha wave but I’ve seen some people add like the effects and stuff… Continue reading

James Burke : Connections, Episode 1, “The Trigger Effect”, 1 of 5 (CC)

Watch Entire Show: www.youtube.com More Shows: www.youtube.com Episode 1 of James Burke’s most well-known series “Connections” which explores the surprising and unexpected ways that our modern technological world came into existence. Each episode investigates the background of usually one particular… Continue reading

Q&A: movie making effect how to help with?

Question by josh: movie making effect how to help with? ok here is the only example of what i want to make the first 9 sec are what i want to make like how images and text are popping… Continue reading

Mac video effect for adding cop lights onto a vehicle with no lights, how can I edit it to look like cops lite?

Question by joshgibson07@ymail.com: Mac video effect for adding cop lights onto a vehicle with no lights, how can I edit it to look like cops lite? I’m gonna be making a comedy cop film and I have a black… Continue reading

Learn it ! – After Effect Smooth Slow-Motion Twixtor Tutorial Episode 1

Ok so we are going to start this series called ” Learn it ” wich its mean tutorials for any programs to help you! Please sub to him 4 making this awesome tutorial: www.youtube.com this tutorial teaches you how to… Continue reading

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