whats good for special effects on videos?
Question by powerpuff: whats good for special effects on videos? im 15 and wanna make home movies with a blue screen. are there many problems with blue screens? and other good devices to use for making videos?
Best answer:… Continue reading
whats good for special effects on videos?
Question by powerpuff: whats good for special effects on videos? im 15 and wanna make home movies with a blue screen. are there many problems with blue screens? and other good devices to use for making videos?… Continue reading
Extra special effects for Windows Movie Maker?
Question by Swopes: Extra special effects for Windows Movie Maker? I have the 2003 version for Windows Movie Maker and I want more special effects for it. Is there anywhere I can download (a website)some more special… Continue reading
How to Make a Transparent Video Using Adobe After Effects
www.TrafficBumper.com Since the video is created without a background, you see just the subject. Actually, the background was a green screen or a blue screen. By using After Effects, you key out the background and you end up with just… Continue reading
After Effects animation “Polar” a must see by Pierre Michel
After Effects animation “Fireflower” a must see by Pierre Michel pierre-michel.com FIRE FLOWER: “Pierre Michels pierremichel.net/ latest film , Fire Flower, is an abstract vision of sensuality with hints of alchemical mysticism. Like Pierres other films, this project derives its… Continue reading