
if I want to make my own cartoon/animations/visual effects in movies what courses should i take in high school

by Al_HikesAZ

Question by Gobind S: if I want to make my own cartoon/animations/visual effects in movies what courses should i take in high school i can only take one course

do i take -visual arts:media arts -visual arts:general… Continue reading

Q&A: How do you get these movie effects?

by Hutson H

Question by Gogo S: How do you get these movie effects? http://youtube.com/watch?v=StGt9NWK16A’

i want to make my dance video with those effects, i have sony vegas 7.0e and windows movie maker, so how do u get… Continue reading

Tutorials – Twixtor Smooth Slow Motion – After Effects

I really hope you guys enjoy this tutorial. Feel free to message me your requests! Thanks for making my logo in the top right corner: ChrisPowart: www.youtube.com Thanks for the clips! ImKicked: www.youtube.com PLEASE DO NOT UPLOAD THIS WITHOUT MY… Continue reading

how do you put effects on a home made video?

by 4lfie

Question by : how do you put effects on a home made video? ok i be on youtube and see people like when they make there homemade videos they do effects like it will keep repeating what the… Continue reading

After Effects Tutorial – 5 – Editing the Animation Path

Part 6 – www.youtube.com Make sure to watch in High Def! visit my website at thenewboston.com Video Rating: 4 / 5

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