and photoshop cool color text effects
Tut on how to make bg 🙂 just switched up a little Font: an dont forget to subscribe!
Top Glitchers UK Presents……….. Halo Wars: The Real Winner Achievement Mission 04: Arcadia City This video involves saving a child called… Continue reading
How can have a career as as a person who creates the visual effects in movies?
Question by Nelson: How can have a career as as a person who creates the visual effects in movies? I graduated high school back in June and haven’t decided what to do. I’m really interested in the visual effects… Continue reading
Q&A: Adobe After Effects CS4?
Question by Micah: Adobe After Effects CS4? Ok so i really want to get into the movie making business. My main video editing tools i have been looking into are Adobe After Effects CS4 and Action Essentials 2…… Continue reading
Q&A: What filters or effects should i use on Final Cut Express 4 to make my movies look more professional?
Question by lost815: What filters or effects should i use on Final Cut Express 4 to make my movies look more professional? I have good angles, and good ideas, but the look of the movie is still homemade what… Continue reading
What is the best special effects program to use in a plastic army men, stop animation movie?
Question by rambocommandodude: What is the best special effects program to use in a plastic army men, stop animation movie? I have seen a movie done with effects lab lite and it was pretty cool but they… Continue reading