Q&A: Any new effects for the new Movie Maker?
Question by Nadawa: Any new effects for the new Movie Maker? So, I like making Movie Parody’s which involves a little singing. I’ll admit, I’m not the best singer but I’m not awful. Is there a way to download… Continue reading
Cheap/Free special effects movie software?
Question by TRees R GReat!: Cheap/Free special effects movie software? Does anyone know what movie editing software I can get that is easy and simple to use that adds special effects to movies. I already have Magix movie editor… Continue reading
how do i make maple movie sound effects?
Question by starfox: how do i make maple movie sound effects? Yo wats Up yahoo ppl and Maplers or gamers how do I Make sound effects in maple movies like -sword blits -Land when done flying -or… Continue reading
Tutorial Jak renderowac w HD – Sony Vegas, After Effects, Movie Maker oraz Fraps [Rectiv13]
Jest to tutorial w którym pokazujemy jak Nagrać filmik z gry za pomocą Frapsa oraz jak wyrenderować nagrany film w HD. Potrzebne strony: Fraps – www.fraps.com Windows Movie Maker – explore.live.com After Effects – www.adobe.com Sony Vegas – www.sonycreativesoftware.com
Q&A: What is a great way to learn After Effects?
Question by Smyth: What is a great way to learn After Effects? I got an old, unused copy of AfterEffects from a relative a while ago, but have been unable to learn on my own how to use it… Continue reading