
Sony Vegas 9.0 Special Effects Compilation / Montage

This is my third compilation of special effects. This one consists of new effects and some old ones but they will be much improved on previous attempts. In this video there are; shooting guns (hands), Cloning, Flying and Landing, Head… Continue reading

Q&A: What types of effects is used on making movies?

Question by Kian: What types of effects is used on making movies? visual effects? sounds effects?

things like that?

I dont know much so please list them out 😀 I was thinking more like special effects? or make up… Continue reading

Things that Adobe After Effects can do but not Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9?

by kimncris

Question by Anne: Things that Adobe After Effects can do but not Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9? I have Sony Vegas 9 but i would like After effects too. I have been babysitting my butt off… Continue reading

Q&A: I’m making a movie with special effects, and I need a video clip of just space, like stars only.?

by stevefaeembra

Question by 80’s hair metalhead: I’m making a movie with special effects, and I need a video clip of just space, like stars only.? So can someone either send me a video clip or a website where… Continue reading

Growing Vine Animation Pt1 Photoshop: After Effects Tutorial

www.dudeinadrama.com This is the first part of my Animated Growing Vine tutorial! This video focuses on Photoshop and how to set up the vine image so that it can be easily imported into After Effects. For Photoshop Brush’s and more… Continue reading

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