Goapele- Closer The original music video 2001/no effects
The original closer video 2001 directed by Beto”Mooncricket”Lopez As you can see below this video was made by accident. I was making an EPK for Goapele before she got signed by Sony BMG and I just made it up as… Continue reading
I need good sound effects and music for a movie?
Question by ~Jenny: I need good sound effects and music for a movie? I’m making a movie for a class project and are there any websites with good sound effects? Or even better, what are some popular… Continue reading
Tracer Fire Tutorial – After Effects
A tutorial written for aetuts.com. It wil otheir website in abuttwo weeks. But you guys get it early! You could also do this effect in Windows Movie Maker or iMovie. If you would really like to know how then send… Continue reading
How do you make effects move on sony vegas movie studio?
Question by Taylor M: How do you make effects move on sony vegas movie studio?
Best answer:
Answer by Ponyou need to learn keyframing.
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More Awesome Text Effects (liquid) – Sony Vegas Tutorial
Other editing programs have composite modes such as Multiply Mask like in this tutorial too watch the first text effects vid here: www.youtube.com Following on from the last Text Fx tutorial I discovered some really neat editing tricks whilst making… Continue reading