How to make a certain movie effects with Windows Movie Maker?
Question by Dizzy Miss Lizzy: How to make a certain movie effects with Windows Movie Maker? I’ve seen a few interesting videos all using a similar effect that I would really want to do myself!
Example: In one video,… Continue reading
What program do movie makers use for special effects in editing/how do people make special effects?
Question by Sean C: What program do movie makers use for special effects in editing/how do people make special effects? How do I, like the movie makers, input certain things and effects into the shots I have recorded.
Like,… Continue reading
How do I get Adobe After Effects keep my movie’s 16×9 aspect ratio?
Question by ougner: How do I get Adobe After Effects keep my movie’s 16×9 aspect ratio? I have used After Effects 7.0 for a while, but I have been having an issue with aspect ratio. When I import my… Continue reading
Q&A: I have some questions about the special effects and visuals in movies..?
Question by Shadow: I have some questions about the special effects and visuals in movies..? Have you ever seen Alien, star wars episode 3, and The Godfather? People die in those movies..But in reality..Really, I wonder..
In aliens, how… Continue reading
Lastest Movie Making Effects News
Space odyssey Image by Russell_Darling Two volunteers from the audience experience a space walk inspired by the movie 2010: A Space Odyssey in the visual effects portion of the classic Univeral Studios tour from the 80’s. By the way, I… Continue reading