Special Effects Collection (Adobe After Effects)
[–NOTES–] Collection of some basic special effects made by me, Kevin Lin “KL1054.” All effects composited in Adobe After Effects CS3. Yes I am the kid in the video. I was 11 when this video was made, but I’m 13… Continue reading
Lastest Movie Making Effects News
Movie FX Image by Ric e Ette Picture taken at the "Maker Faire 2008" (San Mateo, CA) – a collection of creative, weird, and sometimes useless (but always interesting) inventions, exhibits and art performances. Check out the other pictures in… Continue reading
I need a movie maker with more effects to make a realistic movie?
Question by Janam Marthak: I need a movie maker with more effects to make a realistic movie? I am bored using the Windows Movie Maker. It Contains limited effects, transitions, and titles. I need a movie maker which can… Continue reading
how do they make these effects? please help i want to make a movie and i really want to learn how to do this!!?
Question by lilfish009: how do they make these effects? please help i want to make a movie and i really want to learn how to do this!!? http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=M1ufW2INWmM
The Presets – My People
That is the link now how… Continue reading
Please answer if you know a thng or 2 about animation and movie effects?
Question by Smith: Please answer if you know a thng or 2 about animation and movie effects? I made the movie of me doing a kamehameha wave but I’ve seen some people add like the effects and… Continue reading