
“The Movies: Stunts & Effects” Walkthrough Movie

Activision has released a new movie for The Movies: Stunts & Effects, showcasing the expansion pack in the works at Lionhead Studios which will add stuntmen to the lot, a movie-making toolset, a diverse selection of dangerous stunts, astounding visual… Continue reading

What is a good movie making/editing software that is easy to create effects and graphics.?

Question by Doctor Love the Love Doctor: What is a good movie making/editing software that is easy to create effects and graphics.? Something MUCH better than windows movie maker….

Best answer:

Answer by mac_fixitThats not hard.

Adobe Premier… Continue reading

After Effects Tutorial – 25 – Making a 3D Animation

Finally, lets start making some 3d animations

Making An animation. Song- yellow card – breathing. Video Rating: 4 / 5

I need sound effects for a movie im making on windows movie maker.?

by Fuzzytek

Question by nymothafucka: I need sound effects for a movie im making on windows movie maker.? and im not talking about stupid like lauging and like people sayinig quotes or something. I need some like… backround noise… Continue reading

Q&A: In the PC game The Movies: Stunts and Effects, is there a hack or cheat or something to start at a later time?

Question by ironspartan108: In the PC game The Movies: Stunts and Effects, is there a hack or cheat or something to start at a later time? by later time, i mean like, start in the year 2000, with all… Continue reading

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