
Will HD dvd’s eventually become the next VHS?

by Verloren Jaren

Question by Rodney, j: Will HD dvd’s eventually become the next VHS? With the Playstation 3 having Blue Ray, and alot of the movie companies making Blue Ray Dvd’s, how long before they announce that they… Continue reading

What would you do if your supervisor is making mistakes that will eventually be blamed on you?

by Melody Kramer

Question by Porgie: What would you do if your supervisor is making mistakes that will eventually be blamed on you? I tried to explain this to my dad, but he couldn’t understand the situation. He was… Continue reading

What kinds of Video Games are they eventually making a movie into?

Question by DAADUDE: What kinds of Video Games are they eventually making a movie into?

Best answer:

Answer by dukalink6000The hot talk is Peter Jackson doing up Halo

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