
Q&A: Would wwe ever consider making a movie on a true story on a wrestler?

Question by williamsbrandon16: Would wwe ever consider making a movie on a true story on a wrestler? This just popped into my head. Do you think it would be awesome if the wwe made a true movie based on… Continue reading

I’m 15 with the most genius movie script ever.?

by Verloren Jaren

Question by Alrighty.: I’m 15 with the most genius movie script ever.? I’ve always watched movies that are said to be “based on a true story” and would get very angry. How could a person’s life… Continue reading

Did anyone else think that Notorious was the worst movie ever?

Question by fred Biscuits: Did anyone else think that Notorious was the worst movie ever? I swear, between diddy and biggie’s mom trying to make themselves look good, this movie came out horrible. it made biggie look like the… Continue reading

Q&A: who ever has seen the movie “bring it on all or nothing”!?

by Chris Devers

Question by Alejandra H: who ever has seen the movie “bring it on all or nothing”!? i need help!! do you guys know the name of the song when there in competition. the one that pacific… Continue reading

BeatMaker: Best iPhone app EVER!

The touch surface is a lot easier to use than I make it look. It was a bit hard to hit the mark with a camera standing between it and myself. However, once you factor in perspiration (sorry, but it’s… Continue reading

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