
Office 2010 Class #36: Excel PivotTables Pivot Tables 15 examples (Data Analysis)

Download files at: people.highline.edu The Excel 2010 Basics Series shows a systematic description of what Excel can do from beginning to end. Topics Covered In Video: 1. PivotTables are easy: Just envision the table in advance 2. Field list has… Continue reading

DermTV – Viewer Examples of Why I Don’t Prescribe Retinoids [DermTV.com Epi #364]

Dr. Schultz used to prescribe retinoids to his patients. That’s because at the time, it was the best exfoliant available. However, it can be extremely irritating and has some other side effects. In this episode of DermTV, Dr. Schultz shares… Continue reading

Excel Magic Trick 167p1 IF function formula: 12 Examples!

Part 1. See 12 different examples of how to use the IF function. This video starts with IF function basics and then shows 12 different examples of how the IF function can be used in formulas. Also see these functions:… Continue reading

How important is music in a movie to you? Examples of good and bad?

Question by Gonzo: How important is music in a movie to you? Examples of good and bad? Personally I think music can make or break a movie for me. Glory as an example has a phenomenal score and sets… Continue reading

Did you spot any blatant examples of modern 21st century movie making in The Fellowship of the Ring?

Question by Legolas Greenleaf: Did you spot any blatant examples of modern 21st century movie making in The Fellowship of the Ring? This is a question for my homework but I am not sure what exactly he means by… Continue reading

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