
Do people making movies actually kiss in the movie or is it just fake?

Question by : Do people making movies actually kiss in the movie or is it just fake? when making movie. is the kissing real or just speacial effects??

Best answer:

Answer by SamKiss but dont use tongue

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How to fake a positive pregnancy test? Making a movie!?

Question by puertoricanprince2: How to fake a positive pregnancy test? Making a movie!? Ok, long story short, I’m making a movie with a few friends and what not. I’m currently writing this heartfelt script where the chick gets pregnant… Continue reading

Why does God hate me so much, is he fake or evil?

Question by : Why does God hate me so much, is he fake or evil? Now its either 1) God is evil 2) God helps who he wants to help (he just does the bear minimum so we cant say… Continue reading

Fake Pregnancy Belly: How-To DIY : BFX

Now here’s something a little different for Backyard FX! Zack does a little Mothers day tribute with a Fake Pregnancy Belly! Make sure you tell your mothers “Happy Mothers Day”! Indy Mogul’s Backyard FX features cheap, DIY filmmaking tips and… Continue reading

How to fake sick?? Help please?

by Wendkuni

Question by : How to fake sick?? Help please? Im 13 yrs old, a girl. Today I left school early because I wasn’t feeling well: the nurse told me I had a 101 fever and a cold/cough.runny nose.… Continue reading

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