
Favorite Disney Movie? :)(:?

by wakingphotolife

Question by TubaMonkey11: Favorite Disney Movie? :)(:? ANY movie you want! And branch of Disney (Pixar); animated or not. 🙂

I love Mulan and the Lion King, 101 Dalmatians, I really love Disney movies. 😛

Make the… Continue reading

Eli Roth picks his 5 most favorite horror movies

Eli Roth picks his 5 most favorite horror movies LOS ANGELES — There are horror movie geeks, and then there is Eli Roth. Read more on Provo Daily Herald

Buy Movie Posters of Your Favorite Movies

by locket479

Buy Movie Posters of Your Favorite Movies

We have often seen that we hardly remember a movie for a long time because these days new movies come up with new themes every time. There are very few movies… Continue reading

Bride of Horror List BOP’s 25 Favorite Horror Movies Since 2002: 25-16

Bride of Horror List BOP’s 25 Favorite Horror Movies Since 2002: 25-16 Why it’s on the list: Every critic’s list has to have a David Lynch film, right? Isn’t that the law? Why you might be saying “Oh, hell no!”:… Continue reading

What?s Your County?s Favorite Movie Genre?

by Dyroza

What?s Your County?s Favorite Movie Genre?


Screenclick.com has compiled the definitive list of who’s renting what and what it might say about our home county. With posting DVD rentals to the doors of their 70,000 registered… Continue reading

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