Plainfield filmmaker putting finishing touches on feature directorial debut
Plainfield filmmaker putting finishing touches on feature directorial debut PLAINFIELD — Filmmaker Alrick Brown’s feature directorial debut started out with a relatively straightforward plot, illustrating the true story of a priest and an imam working together to save lives during… Continue reading
Tron: Evolution To Feature Movie Voice Talent, Except…
Tron: Evolution To Feature Movie Voice Talent, Except… Jeff Bridges, the man who made Tron a legend and became one of the most cult-like video game movie icons, will not have his voice heard in the only Tron video game… Continue reading
TOP 5 things I learned from making my first feature film
TOP 5 things I learned from making my first feature film
Now that it as been a few days since I wrapped filming of my first feature film, Bend & Break, I’d like to share with you… Continue reading
how much is a feature film movie script worth?
Question by Girly G: how much is a feature film movie script worth? i know that there’s no specific answers but approximately. for a drama/romance screenplay? what is the cheapest price you can sell for?
Best answer:… Continue reading