Q&A: How to make Movie Maker projects into Mp3 files?
Question by Ewwlee: How to make Movie Maker projects into Mp3 files? I just used Movie Maker to cut a song I want to use as a ringtone, the only problem is I can’t figure out how… Continue reading
Can Someone Give Me a Walkthrough for Converting Movie Files?
Question by Blackadder: Can Someone Give Me a Walkthrough for Converting Movie Files? I use Nero Vision to make movies and I want to upload them to Youtube. However, Youtube won’t accept them as they are,… Continue reading
How can I play VOB files in a playlist on my PC?
Question by ka0tix: How can I play VOB files in a playlist on my PC? I have been burning some DVD’s to my PC and when they burn they are usually in four of five different VOB files that… Continue reading
How do I make patch files and scripts with MAC OSX?
Question by Aaron: How do I make patch files and scripts with MAC OSX?
Best answer:
Answer by optimusIf you mean AppleScripts, this is how. http://homepage.mac.com/swain/Macinchem/Applescript/AppScript_tut/AppScrip_tut_1/appscript_tut_1.htm
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
What are batch files or scripts for conifiguring a router to a specific IP address??
Question by geneva_live: What are batch files or scripts for conifiguring a router to a specific IP address?? I want to configure my router to have the IP address of by creating a script or batch… Continue reading