
Fix Corrupt Preference Files With PreferenceCleaner, Zip Archives From Finder, & More, MAG 39

Sometimes the preference files for applications can get corrupted, making the app unstable or even unusable. Today we bring you an indispensible utility for finding and cleaning those bad preference files! We also show you how to create zip archives… Continue reading

How do you open files in a mac computer?

Question by Nanz: How do you open files in a mac computer? I downloaded some software for make, specifically plug-ins, but I don’t understand how to open or use them. Ex) Java and other video viewing software: to watch… Continue reading

How to Edit MOV files in Windows Movie Maker

In the title. LINKS: Download AVC (Any Video Converter)-

How do I make digital movie files smaller without losing resolution?

Question by funkervogt47: How do I make digital movie files smaller without losing resolution? I recently used a device to scan a whole bunch of VHS tapes to .avi files on my computer. These things files are TV-quality video… Continue reading

How to make Windows Movie Maker accept MP4 files? Or a quick way to change MP4 files into MP3?

by isfullofcrap

Question by Ryan W: How to make Windows Movie Maker accept MP4 files? Or a quick way to change MP4 files into MP3? Any help?

Best answer:

Answer by Cannon M.Windows Movie Maker support .asf, .avi,… Continue reading

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