
short film making?

Question by clomtancy: short film making? I play a game called Star Wars Galaxies. In it they are giving a contest where you can make a short film of the game (only of the game) and then try to… Continue reading

What Should I call this short film I’m making?

Question by : What Should I call this short film I’m making? I’m making a short film to put on YouTube and maybe enter in some short film contests.

it’s about a young boy whos parents are murdered in there… Continue reading

At only $1 per film, and considering the machine itself looks expensive, how does Red Box make money?

Question by Eddie Cacciatore, Private Eye: At only per film, and considering the machine itself looks expensive, how does Red Box make money? And how much does the movie studio make?

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Answer by airjarrodIt’s $ 1… Continue reading

what company makes movie film canisters?

Question by casey w: what company makes movie film canisters?

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SHISEIDO TSUBAKI ツバキ 2007年 新春 CM Making Film

「日本の女性は、美しい。」SHISEIDOの2007年CMのメイキングフィルムです。 曲:SMAP「Dear WOMAN」 出演:仲間由紀恵、森泉、広末涼子、香里奈、吹石一恵、相沢沙世、内田恭子、竹内結子 Video Rating: 4 / 5

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