
Film Like A Boss – AE: Borderlands-style Character Intro!

Someone messaged me on how I did the Borderlands-style Character Intro from my Together To The Top vid. Since I didn’t make a tutorial video last week, it’s only fair that I make 2 this week 🙂 So here it… Continue reading

Q&A: Is it legal to make a home movie w/ music from Hollywood film scores that only friends/family with see?

Question by Mrs. Travolta: Is it legal to make a home movie w/ music from Hollywood film scores that only friends/family with see? My friends and I made a movie and added music from Star Wars, Pirates of the… Continue reading

How do you make it in the film business without connections?

Question by ballllin: How do you make it in the film business without connections? I am currently a freshman in college which doesn’t offer film as a major. My passion has always been films and movies and wanted to… Continue reading

I want a career in film, but I don’t know what part..?

Question by Allison: I want a career in film, but I don’t know what part..? I’m 17 years old, and I’m a senior at a Catholic school in Des Moines, Iowa. I love making movies, and I make little… Continue reading

Q&A: How do Socioeconomic factors affect doing business in the Bollywood film industry?

Question by Armada: How do Socioeconomic factors affect doing business in the Bollywood film industry? I am doing a project on the Bollywood film industry in India. I wanted to to know what kind of information I could mention… Continue reading

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