Jim Jarmusch is Making a Vampire Film With Tilda Swinton, Michael Fassbender and Mia Wasikowska
Jim Jarmusch is Making a Vampire Film With Tilda Swinton, Michael Fassbender and Mia Wasikowska The glut of vampire movies has left me almost totally disinterested in seeing even one more story that re-purposes the old folklore. But not ‘totally… Continue reading
’11 Maui Film Festival goes Wilde for star
’11 Maui Film Festival goes Wilde for star WAILEA – Poised to hit the big screen in a big way in Steven Spielberg’s coming summer blockbuster “Cowboys and Aliens,” young actress Olivia Wilde is the first honoree to be announced… Continue reading
whats the name of the film which teens make a porno movie in school?
Question by : whats the name of the film which teens make a porno movie in school? i saw a film some time ago where few mates make porno film during high school/college and they make it inside the school… Continue reading
‘Last Dancer’ tells his story in a book and in film
‘Last Dancer’ tells his story in a book and in film The candidates were few when it came to casting someone to portray dancer Li Cunxin in a movie based on his amazing life story. After all, the candidate had… Continue reading
SCENE: Winnipeg film ‘John Walk’ first to launch on new iPhone app
MAKING OF: Servicio a domicilio Image by Charlie Perez Fotos de making of del cortometraje "SERVICIO A DOMICILIO" rodado en Guayaquil en octubre de 2007. Estreno en enero de 2008!!!
Picture shots of the short film "SERVICIO A DOMICILIO" (… Continue reading