
Filmmaking : Writing a Drama Screenplay

To write a drama screenplay, develop a unique storyline with characters that the audience will relate to and like. Help the audience invest in the characters of a drama so that when problems develop the audience will care. Learn more… Continue reading

Script Writing & Filmmaking : How to Write a Sitcom Script

Write a sitcom script by separating the action in three or four acts, setting the scene, writing the character dialog and following the basic format of a sitcom. Learn to write a sitcom script that follows the traditional pattern of… Continue reading

Filmmaking Tips-How To Get Your Screenplay for Filmmaking Cheap

by Yvesanemone

Filmmaking Tips-How To Get Your Screenplay for Filmmaking Cheap

There is a list a mile long of all the things you need in filmmaking to be successful.  We will only discuss one aspect of filmmaking, and that’s… Continue reading

Script Writing & Filmmaking : Tips on Documentary Filmmaking

To make a documentary film, research the subject thoroughly, shoot a lot of material and interviews, and craft the film in a way that creates a narrative for the audience. Present documentary film footage in an honest way with integrity… Continue reading

Script Writing & Filmmaking : How to Make Your Own Short Film

To make your own short film, write the script, build a team of cameramen, editors and actors, plan out the shooting schedule, and get a lot of coverage for each shot. Edit a short film together using computer software with… Continue reading

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