Secret life of a bitter billionaire: Eclipsed by his fellow Microsoft founder for decades, but now Paul Allen finally …
Secret life of a bitter billionaire: Eclipsed by his fellow Microsoft founder for decades, but now Paul Allen finally … Microsoft recently celebrated its 36th birthday. The occasion was not marked with bright smiles, but with ugly scowls between the… Continue reading
‘Atlas Shrugged’ finally comes to the screen
‘Atlas Shrugged’ finally comes to the screen A capitalist taken with Ayn Rand’s 1957 novel spends almost 20 years and $ 20 million of his own money to get the first third of it filmed. It has taken businessman John… Continue reading
Breaking Dawn Finally In Production? – Follow Us! – Become a Fan! Your ClevverTV Breaking Dawn update is next! Hello pals! I’m Joslyn Davis with all the latest on ClevverTV. We’ve got some great news on Breaking Dawn. According to imdb, the movie… Continue reading
Sade to Finally Duet: Jay-Z Lands Verse on New ‘Hits’ Collection
film making Image by chudo.sveta A group of people from Moscow making a documentary movie about Anton Chekov at his native town – Taganrog, they said he was found of fishing.
Sade to Finally Duet: Jay-Z Lands Verse on New… Continue reading
did you see they are finally making a movie about “Big Red”?
Question by frazzled girl: did you see they are finally making a movie about “Big Red”? finally! the greatest horse in history will have his amazing story told in a movie are you excited to see this movie? or… Continue reading