
ActionScript 3.0 Tutorial – Hit Counter Flash + PHP for full Flash website pages

Source Files – www.developphp.com Hit counter in flash actionscript 3.0 tutorial.

Make a Flash Movie file for viewing on a web site how?

by una cierta mirada

Question by David C: Make a Flash Movie file for viewing on a web site how? Hi

I have windows Movie maker, Sony Vegas, Nero.

How do I make a flash movie for viewing on… Continue reading

Where can I learn to make Flash games and movies?

by tonyhall

Question by Casey: Where can I learn to make Flash games and movies? And what programs do I need to purchase? I would like to learn Flash so I can get my own website and get paid… Continue reading

Ed’s Awesome Flash Tutorial #1

IN THIS EPISODE We will skim over making an animation. 1. Simple Preloader. 2. Simple Buttons. 3. Ed being retarded. I’m sorry for going too fast and not getting more in depth into the flash interface. WE’LL DO THAT SOME… Continue reading

Gimp portable- install & adding brushes – Gimp on a flash drive

GIMP portable, GIMP on a flash drive. You do not need to install GIMP to use it on a Windows computer, you can just put GIMP Portable on a flash drive and use it anywhere as portable application. I also… Continue reading

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