
What is the best free online screenwriting software program to format scripts to industry standards?

by Kmeron

Question by buckamster: What is the best free online screenwriting software program to format scripts to industry standards? Looking for something like Final Draft or Celtx or MovieMagic Screenwriter, except is online or built inside a browser.… Continue reading

Movie Script Format – The Basics

by hopeless128

Movie Script Format – The Basics

Movie script format is very important if you are a new screenwriter.  As it usually goes, you are likely excited to see some of the ideas that have been spinning around… Continue reading

What video format is used in making professional movies?

by Darin Barry

Question by Mr. Owl: What video format is used in making professional movies? Is it HD, or something else?

Best answer:

Answer by The InjunEither 35mm or HD lately.

What do you think? Answer below!

Can you try to sell a screenplay & attempt to have the same story in book format published?

Question by : Can you try to sell a screenplay & attempt to have the same story in book format published? What if you are able to have the book published before you hear anything back regarding your script? Can… Continue reading

How To Write a Movie Script : How to Format Narrative When Writing Movie Script

Learn how to format narrative in a movie script in this free screenplay instruction video from our motion picture expert and experienced executive producer. Expert: Ron Becks Bio: Ron Becks has been acting since he was a child. His feature… Continue reading

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