
From Frankton to Founding Four

From Frankton to Founding Four In 2008, Matthew Allen was invited to a party at the Allison Mansion on the campus of Marian University in Indianapolis. Instead of a party, the invite was more of a casting call involving a… Continue reading

Cutting Disks from Sheet silver copper brass Metal for Jewelry Making This is my short demo on how to correctly cut metal discs from sheet metal. For more tutorials, tools and supplies to make your own, go to Thanks for stoppin by Roma

Tool purchase: Harmonic balancer remover… Continue reading

Video copyrights and GIFs. If i take some cells from a movie & make a GIF, how much can i show & remain legal?

by Chris Devers

Question by someasshat: Video copyrights and GIFs. If i take some cells from a movie & make a GIF, how much can i show & remain legal? I have heard some on some TV shows, they… Continue reading

How can I make a movie using pictures from my computer……?

Question by Roalna: How can I make a movie using pictures from my computer……? to a dvd? I am tring to find a free software that will make dvd movies with what a regular dvd movie has (play, scene… Continue reading

How do you make a video using clips from a movie?

by BenSpark

Question by mkthemk: How do you make a video using clips from a movie? Alot of people use clips from movies to make videos, like when they do recut trailers. how do you do that? if you… Continue reading

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