Does anybody have pictures of eyes like ones from The Host?
Question by mackenzie_crook_lover: Does anybody have pictures of eyes like ones from The Host? I’m making a ‘movie poster’ in English for The Host and I want the poster to be covered in eyes. I’m having trouble finding pictures… Continue reading
Q&A: HELP ME with this creepy movie from my childhood?
Question by : HELP ME with this creepy movie from my childhood? I saw a piece of this movie when I was young, and I never could figure out the name of it…
There was a guy walking… Continue reading
putting movie from digital camera on disc?
Question by myourchisin: putting movie from digital camera on disc? I need to know if there is a way to take a video from my digital camera and put it onto a disc. Also, how can I make a… Continue reading
Q&A: How do you make that trick where pieces of napkin are set on fire and shoot up from the table?
Question by Dr NO: How do you make that trick where pieces of napkin are set on fire and shoot up from the table? I’ve seen it done in a couple of movies but I don’t get it. Can… Continue reading
From seed to loaf (part 1 of 2) allotment scale production of bread making wheat
This video is about small-scale wheat production using modified garden machinery and a home-built threshing machine. I grow my own wheat and make bread not because its 10% cheaper but because I think its 100% better – and it gives… Continue reading