How do you cut clips from movies to make fanvids?
Question by Acer: How do you cut clips from movies to make fanvids? I was wondering if anyone could provide me with detailed step by step instructions on how to cut scenes from digital movies and… Continue reading
iPad remote control for 01v96, DM1000, DM2000, 02R96, M7CL, LS9 and PM5D digital mixer from Yamaha
Visit for more information, we are selling the product that is making this possible! We created a TouchOSC Interface for my 01v96 Mixer which allows me to control the levels of channels and the auxiliary sends of the mixer… Continue reading
Movie Maker – pausing & preventing me from saving… ARRgggh!?
Question by fballmen: Movie Maker – pausing & preventing me from saving… ARRgggh!? When playing my movie, Movie Maker pauses my clip automatically, at the same spot every time, (does not freeze; it pauses. I have to click ‘play’… Continue reading
Would someone please tell me how to get something from MOV to WMA or WMV so it goes into windows movie maker?
Question by RANDALL D: Would someone please tell me how to get something from MOV to WMA or WMV so it goes into windows movie maker? Hello. My brother Alex and I have been trying to make a youtube… Continue reading
How come my computer wont export clips from flip to windows movie maker?
Question by : How come my computer wont export clips from flip to windows movie maker? Every time I try it just wont work! I tried exporting it to different files but it wont show up on windows movie make… Continue reading