
Q&A: Can I make my video from Windows Movie Maker in widescreen format?

Question by Sarah: Can I make my video from Windows Movie Maker in widescreen format? I play the video in full screen on my computer and it looks great so I burned it onto a DVD.. The top and… Continue reading

Q&A: Would someone please tell me how to get something from MOV to WMA or WMV so it goes into windows movie maker?

by hmmlargeart

Question by RANDALL D: Would someone please tell me how to get something from MOV to WMA or WMV so it goes into windows movie maker? Hello. My brother Alex and I have been trying to make… Continue reading

Special Thanks from GameFails!

Jack and Geoff wanted to wish everyone a special thanks for making our channel such a success! Why not swing by and upload some videos for a chance to win some prizes! Video Rating: 4 / 5

Q&A: Can anyone identify the car from this movie?

Question by : Can anyone identify the car from this movie? Does anyone know the year/make/model of the purple car driven by Cassandra (Eva Amurri) in the film, “Saved!”?

Best answer:

Answer by lovecomesagain’73 or a ’74 model of… Continue reading

My friends and I are making our own version of twilight movie. Who should play bella. I can’t decide from 4.?

Question by suikazura: My friends and I are making our own version of twilight movie. Who should play bella. I can’t decide from 4.? 1 Lacy She’s quit so clumsey and is always getting bruise. Righ now she bruised… Continue reading

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