Q&A: Do any of you have sites that i can get clips to make a movie from tv shows? like inuyasha,sailor moon, greek?
Question by J~C: Do any of you have sites that i can get clips to make a movie from tv shows? like inuyasha,sailor moon, greek? I just found windows movie maker on my laptop and i want to make… Continue reading
How to improve your English study tips from EnglishTeacherLive
Students always ask “What can I do to improve my English?” Here are some study tips for learning quickly and effectively. I am a qualified and experienced English Language Teacher working on line. Arrange classes with me from your home… Continue reading
if i download the old movie maker will it delete the new one from my computer?
Question by Esiole N: if i download the old movie maker will it delete the new one from my computer? i have windows 7 therefore i have the new movie maker. i like this one as… Continue reading
Does anyone know of any songs about war from the 60’s and 70’s ?
Question by Gretchen: Does anyone know of any songs about war from the 60’s and 70’s ? I am making a movie for my History class about the Revolutionary War. I need some songs for the soundtrack.… Continue reading
Cho’gall Guide from love2playwow.com
find me on FB: www.facebook.com for more guides: www.love2playwow.com =========================================================== During the Cho’gal fight you will have a custom Ui bar. And you can pretty much ignore it for most of the fight. It a corrupted blood meter and it… Continue reading