does it bother you when they make a movie from a book then republish it with the movie poster on the cover?
Question by Rusty (Basketball genius): does it bother you when they make a movie from a book then republish it with the movie poster on the cover? it bothers me for some reason…
Best answer:
Answer by dancing_dachshundYES!!!!… Continue reading
Is anyone making a figure or stuffed animal of Trixie from Toy Story 3?
Question by Pinkie Pie: Is anyone making a figure or stuffed animal of Trixie from Toy Story 3? I was very disappointed to not really find anything for Trixie at all. I did find a 3” figure but I… Continue reading
How can I split sound from one PC to two different speaker systems?
Question by Benny H: How can I split sound from one PC to two different speaker systems? I would like to be able to play a game on my computer and get the computer/game sounds on my computer speakers.… Continue reading
How do you take audio samples from a dvd. I have a mac powerbook G4.?
Question by kippur777: How do you take audio samples from a dvd. I have a mac powerbook G4.? so i want to make music using movie audio samples. I have pro tools and reason and some… Continue reading
Q&A: should they make the game from the movie stay alive into a real video game?
Question by darklordcid: should they make the game from the movie stay alive into a real video game? me and my ant vick saw the movie stay alive and commented how cool it would be if the game was… Continue reading