Q&A: Is there a way I can get protype titler from sony vegas pro 9 (or 8) into sony vegas movie studio 9?
Question by Parlim: Is there a way I can get protype titler from sony vegas pro 9 (or 8) into sony vegas movie studio 9? I was watching some tutorials and I was very excited to… Continue reading
Make A Free Flash Website From Scratch
In this episode you will learn how to create a Flash website from scratch using completely free software. Here is what we will be creating: www.tinkernut.com Links used in this video: Project Files — www.tinkernut.com Adobe Rome — rome.adobe.com
Should the film/movie industry take a 2 year hiatus from making films?
Question by Wicked: Should the film/movie industry take a 2 year hiatus from making films? The actors/actresses are rich enough. The subject matter hasn’t improved and the ideas are so repetitious I confuse one movie with… Continue reading
An Ugly Stump Gets It’s Day – Creating Bonsai From A Hedge
Graham Potter covers some basics of creating deciduous bonsai using an ugly stump from a hedgerow. www.kaizenbonsai.com Video Rating: 5 / 5
Q&A: What other good and free editing programs are there apart from windows movie maker?
Question by Bethany: What other good and free editing programs are there apart from windows movie maker? ok well i wanna make and edit videos for youtube but windows movie maker is rubbish to… Continue reading