
Children’s Specialized Hospital Wins New Toyota Minivan from the Toyota 100 Cars for Good Program

Autoland Toyota of Springfield, New Jersey presented a new Toyota Sienna minivan to Children’s Specialized Hospital of Mountainside, New Jersey today as part of the national Toyota 100 Cars for Good program. Children’s Specialized Hospital won the van through the… Continue reading

How to Make McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets From Scratch

Learn Hip Hop Dance only 99¢! Hurry! Visit HIPCOOKS! ‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬ Learn how to make McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets form scratch with the help of Mahalo and Tristan Blash, a professional cooking instructor from Hipcooks! Enjoy! Check out all of… Continue reading

Movie Quotes, What movie are they from?

Question by Katie: Movie Quotes, What movie are they from? Can you guess what quotes these movies from? Good luck!

(1) Has anyone ever thrown up on the track before? (2) If I dont leave then you dont leave!… Continue reading

Why do movie producers try to make us believe that doing ninja backflips away from machine gun fire works?

Question by Athavulf: Why do movie producers try to make us believe that doing ninja backflips away from machine gun fire works? Honestly, if you were doing a series of backflips in a straight line away from a straight… Continue reading

Can I use songs from my ipod to make videos on windows movie maker?

Question by flowerfairy136: Can I use songs from my ipod to make videos on windows movie maker? I like to get videos and put them to music and post them on youtube. I was wondering if there was any… Continue reading

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