Where can I finde clips from the lord of the rings that are actually from the movie and not just made up?
Question by Awesomeness: Where can I finde clips from the lord of the rings that are actually from the movie and not just made up? I’m making a movie trailer and it needs to be pro so… Continue reading
How to make an animated gif from a dvd (on a mac)?
Question by jc: How to make an animated gif from a dvd (on a mac)? i have a dvd movie that i want to make a quality gif from, and i’ve done all of the frame/snapshot/screenshot/gimp stuff.… Continue reading
Why switch from Anaglyph 3D to this new Polarized 3D?
Question by Jake B: Why switch from Anaglyph 3D to this new Polarized 3D? I simply do not understand. In order to watch Anaglyph 3D all I need is some glasses, the dvd, my standard normal tv and the… Continue reading
How to you save a video from youtube,so you can change it?
Question by Loving someone else!: How to you save a video from youtube,so you can change it? I mean like to save it,so I can make changes by using Windows Movie Maker…
Best answer:
Answer by Elwanda… Continue reading
Import video from JVC Everio into Movie Maker THE EASY WAY
updated link for SDCOPY. It is easy to use and watching the video is not even required its so easy. zyvid.com Video Rating: 4 / 5
Introducing Reason, version 6. The world’s favorite music making platform is about to get… Continue reading