“I miss you” from Peo Kindgren
My rendition of a piece from Peo Kindgren. Whose guitar play I like very much. BTW – still studying “Video Making for Dummies”, so I put under some pics. That must do for the time being… Video Rating: 4 / 5
WEBSITE BUILDER:: webstarts.com My website i built with webstarts www.myufcstore.com check it out Great for Bands and Business. Website Builder -Free website builder that lets nearly anyone create and handle a successful website quickly with online support! * You can… Continue reading
windows movie maker makes horrible sound when i play or make my movie from my personal camera?
Question by little bird: windows movie maker makes horrible sound when i play or make my movie from my personal camera? help please! i need to make this movie badly. its for my project. when i play or make… Continue reading
How do you make videos from windows live movie maker loop?
Question by mattdactor: How do you make videos from windows live movie maker loop? I’m making a video for my brothers graduation, I’m gonna burn the video to a DVD-R but I need it to repeat, and… Continue reading
How do you put picture over a movie and keep the sound from the movie On widnows live movie maker?
Question by Ashley: How do you put picture over a movie and keep the sound from the movie On widnows live movie maker? How do you put picture over a movie and keep the sound from the… Continue reading