where should i get my music from for a movie im making using either microsoft movie maker, or onetruemedia.com
Question by alex: where should i get my music from for a movie im making using either microsoft movie maker, or onetruemedia.com i tried using the music from my itunes library but it wouldnt work.… Continue reading
how can i make quicktime videos from my digital camera work in windows movie maker? help please?
Question by Nina: how can i make quicktime videos from my digital camera work in windows movie maker? help please? can i change the file or something?
Best answer:
Answer by HenryFirst you should know the… Continue reading
Q&A: How 2 make the bottle cap neckless from the movie Confessions of a teenage drama queen?
Question by MuSic FrEaKx3: How 2 make the bottle cap neckless from the movie Confessions of a teenage drama queen? i rly wanna have a unqie neckless 4 my 1st yr of middle sxool so does any1… Continue reading
Q&A: aside from pictures how can i include the videos in making movie maker ?
Question by gemma: aside from pictures how can i include the videos in making movie maker ? movie maker
Best answer:
Answer by glowinthedarkkfirstly the video files have to be “.avi, .mpg, .m1v, .mp2, .mpeg, .mpe, .mpv2, .wm,… Continue reading
Anyone know how to make a video clip shake from side to side using sony vegas movie studio 8.0?
Question by stu008: Anyone know how to make a video clip shake from side to side using sony vegas movie studio 8.0? cause i saw it on another video and i’m not sure how to do it.… Continue reading