
Fire from Ice Lens Pt 1

I decided to see if I could make a lens out of ice and actually use it to light a fire. I am not the first or last person to attempt it. Rob Bicevskis wrote an excellent article on the… Continue reading

very creepy, disturbing children’s cartoon, banned from TV

Short Film/Animation… as topic… holy shit.. no wonder it’s banned from tv… mysterious stranger? is that mark twain or alber einstein? i think its from mark twain remember to leave appropriate comments! =) and please dont spam about death to… Continue reading

From the iW Vaults | Paul Thomas Anderson on “There Will Be Blood”

From the iW Vaults | Paul Thomas Anderson on “There Will Be Blood” This month indieWIRE turns 15. In honor of our decade and a half in the game we’ve dug through our vaults to uncover some old goodies. Every… Continue reading

How do I download videos from sites such as Youtube convert them to WMV then put them on Windows Movie Maker?

by uniondocs

Question by metsfanatic22: How do I download videos from sites such as Youtube convert them to WMV then put them on Windows Movie Maker? There are a bunch of Family Guy videos and some other stuff that… Continue reading

From the iW Vaults | Paul Thomas Anderson on “There Will Be Blood”

From the iW Vaults | Paul Thomas Anderson on “There Will Be Blood” This month indieWIRE turns 15. In honor of our decade and a half in the game we’ve dug through our vaults to uncover some old goodies. Every… Continue reading

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