
How to make an animated GIF from an MKV file

-Visit for more tutorials -Make sure you have annotations ON when viewing this tutorial- Programs used: (All of them are FREE) VirtualDub: VirtualDubMod (“ALL INCLUSIVE” version): AviSynth 2.5: CCCP: (you probably already had the cccp… Continue reading

Cerabino: The lesson from the Casey Anthony trial is we need a News Pornography Relief Fund

Cerabino: The lesson from the Casey Anthony trial is we need a News Pornography Relief Fund Cerabino: The lesson from the Casey Anthony trial is we need a News Pornography Relief Fund Read more on The Palm Beach Post

Brad… Continue reading

Q&A: I want to use clips from the movie fireproof to make a music video, where do I get a licence to do so?

Question by Mike: I want to use clips from the movie fireproof to make a music video, where do I get a licence to do so? Can someone give me some links or a number I can use to… Continue reading

Is there a free program I can use to make a movie from home video/dvd?

Question by Tayabugg: Is there a free program I can use to make a movie from home video/dvd? Just curious if there is a site I can visit or download I can install that will allow me to edit… Continue reading

From rural India to the major leagues

From rural India to the major leagues NEW DELHI, June 28 (Reuters) – Young men all over India are flexing their muscles in the hope that a strong arm will carry them into a money-spinning career in professional baseball in… Continue reading

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